Thank you sir, you're a messhuganah.
Thank you sir, you're a messhuganah.
I don't have a hat, nice try.
Happy Hanukkah!
Shmacky dacky dooooooo!
Cookie Monster, your gimmick is getting a little old.
Cross-dressing comedies are stupid and lazy!
Punch Drunk Love would have been good, if it wasn't for that schmuck they had playing the lead role.
I also support Don Small!
Don't use that word to talk about gay people. It's offensive.
Happy Hanukkah everyone!
Oh no you DI-ANT!
I totally agree. That Adam Sandler has all the charisma of a wet matzo-ball. And he has a tiny little dreidel too, if you know what I mean.
Pure genius! I'd like to hire you to write a new sitcom for my schmuckie little brother Adam.
Oh Sean, you're such a meshugana! Everyone here at the CD club knows that the African fella is just trying to stir up controversy. Don't be so sensitive, you little matzoh ball you.
I'm Jewish!
Yeah, it's almost embarrassing as the time your pants fell down when we were kids in summer camp. All the girls laughed at your little wiener and called you the "Little Dreidel" for the rest of school….
Oh shut up, Adam. Everybody knows your movies suck, and it's getting terrible reviews. Your career has as much staying power as a piece of wet matzoh, you schmuck!