
Great point because there's never been a gay guy who was married to a woman and had kids before. He'd totally be the first. You're so smart and observant and worldly.

So I never watched Happy Endings, but I do know that Pally played gay on that show. I also believe I heard somewhere that he's not gay in real life, so I'm wondering how capable he is of playing straight because I get massive gay vibes from his character here too. It started when he was first introduced, but even in

Holy Clunky Exposition Batman. It's like almost every line of dialogue was expository. Either recapping the stuff we already know (which has always been one of my least favorite things about network TV, or at least shows running 22 episode sets. If you're going to do the previously on segment before the show, why then

Is The Originals not being covered anymore?

I agree with that currently. My issue was that I didn't believe that in season one where I was certain she finishes doing what she's doing and either dies or gets to spend the rest of her life with Jack. I think given the overtly Soapy nature of the show, it was easy to see that that was where they were going. Or at

But along those lines, I think you need to point out reasons why it isn't. I say that while also pointing out that I wouldn't go so far as to call it great TV (a moniker I tend to reserve for very few shows to begin with) either, but that's not surprising as I've never really considered it one of the greats so much as

I've got to say I'm kind of confused by the frustration this show seems to be imparting onto people. I agree that the first few episodes have been a little slow, but I've found them enjoyable and slow by necessity more than just uncertain meandering or what have you.
I like the way the show is so totally

Lol, please tell me you don't believe the tease. I will say that there is exactly 0% chance of Emily dying and remaining dead on this show. At the very least, I'll say that that's the case for Season 3. By the end of the series, we'll see. But as for her end game not including anyone goes, I will say I was actually

Sure, but that doesn't make the play up to it any less annoying.

Yeah but there's also the issue of Conrad's illness being a total fabrication. So unless Emily dosed him right before the drive, I'm more likely to side with Carrie's idea that it was purposeful. But I'm also curious about which one of them was driving to begin with, so there's that…

So happy to see Nolan's outfit from his chance (?) meeting with Patrick spotlit here. I was so in love with it I couldn't take my eyes off him. I mean I generally don't take my eyes off Nolan, but this was extra special.

I really enjoyed the brief moment of the showing being Pro Choice in a lot of ways. It kind of devolved into a way for the witch chick to spill the beans on Hayley's presence in town, but their conversation and her assurance that Hayley's choice was OK was nice and refreshing. Or maybe I just don't watch enough teen

So happy to see my perpetual Bonnie hate mirrored here. I'm sure no one hates Bonnie as much as I do on here, but still the open acknowledgement that she's just pointless after her death is nice lol.

No, there was no chance in my mind that Daniel cheated, but I will still give the show credit that they got that particular motivation out of the way early. When she was introduced, I think it was easy to assume that she would be nothing more than romantic complication for Daniel, and now that that has been squashed I

"Still, Nolan and Emily’s reunion and subsequent interactions are the best thing about
this episode. It remains the core of this show; the one thing that always feels
right when everything else feels wrong. With Nolcorp now a thing of the past,
Nolan will have plenty of time to help Emily to take the Graysons down."

Thank you, Donna. A million times thank you for these great reviews of the best show on TV. 

Yes! one million times yes to this!

Oh thank God! I came to the comments late this week, but I totally thought I was the only one who saw this! So hot!!!!

Now I've got to scour the comments for that. Someone's going to have to start writing fanfic about those two. lol

Well thank the gods we finally got an entire review that said nothing at all about the episode in question until the Strays. I know that's what I've been waiting for all this time.