
I don't think he *needs* to die at the end, but I'm not opposed to it either. I still root for Dexter in the sense that I do still think he provides a service that I don't mind. To an extent I agree with Vogel in the sense that if he's got to be a monster, then at least he can be a monster for a cause. So even when

"while making the audience feel like Dexter’s value is being crammed down our throats."

This is my favorite commenting community on all of AVC, so I'm really sorry that there won't be reviews up for us to comment on going forward. Maybe they can just put up empty pages for each episode and let us offer our thoughts and commune with one another? Who do I talk to to make this happen?

I was wondering who'd come up with our names for the season, nothing jumped out at me while I was watching. And you didn't disappoint.

Oddly enough, I'm actually a big fan of all of the new rules they've put into place for this season. (odd because I tend to hate changes in the few reality shows that I watch.) I was worried at first that Gunn being on the runway would be unfair, or that he'd be judging, but I was happy to see that that was not the

I think the fact that they'll start to figure out who has done what as the competition moves forward is kind of the point of the rule change. Either way, I'm a fan of this new wrinkle.

I had the exact same "I'm not wearing that!" thought that you had. I honestly don't see why she didn't or couldn't have just said, figure out a way for me to be covered, or find a new model!

I think either elimination would have been fine. I think Miranda did break the rules knowingly and purposefully, and that doesn't sit well with me, and I think the judges were right to revoke her "top 3" status when they found out how she broke the rules, but I also think her look was beautiful. As soon as it turned

Of all the characters, he's the only one I really want to follow on a week to week basis. I'd watch a show that was nothing but him. But I do think Liev is doing a great job too. When he walked into the house at the end of the episode and was giving his wife those wounded puppy dog eyes, all I could think was, "Yeah

I don't think it's ridiculous to roll one's eyes at the typical 12 step crap, but I do think it's very important for everyone to acknowledge that for the people in these programs, and more over for those of them that the program is "working," it's important to acknowledge that this is their truth and we shouldn't

I find that interesting because I watch Falling Skies in the loosest sense of the term (it plays on the TV while I dick around on the computer and listen to the proceedings), but I've never really got much of the "there's something here" vibe. I tend to think that Falling Skies is fun and fluffy and isn't really

I'm still not seeing any "it's getting better" so much as a lot of "This could be so much better." Even this episode is a bit too highly rated for my taste, but I would say that this is the better of the first 3 episodes thus far. I've had a number of people asking me if I think they should be watching this, and I

I thought they were still doing couples voting last season? Am I remembering that wrong?

I loved the first 3 episodes! I think the show handles character introductions extremely well. They didn't introduce anyone (practically) that you wouldn't want to know a little bit more about. All of the characters feel like they're more than meets the eyes and that's a fascinating thing these days.

I would agree that it's more of a lyrical hip hop when they dance it, and way more hop hop than the way Tucker and Jenna danced it, and I will place the blame on the dancers and not fully on the choreographers, but I also think there can be some blame leveled on them as they probably didn't articulate the intricacies

Holy shit. Just read up on it and….yeah. Wow!

I couldn't agree with you more. I liked Emilio in his audition and the short glimpses of him we got in Vegas. He was an early favorite of mine, and I was sad when he couldn't make it out. But my God!!!!! I've been thinking now for awhile that the judges were wrong to cut Aaron given the high level we've gotten from

I wasn't aware of a problem between Wade and the MJ camp. So yeah I guess there's that. I would posit that an MJ tribute would be good for Dance as a whole and good for the show, so maybe both parties should just suck it up, but I don't know. I agree with you that it seems complicated. But it seemed to me that the

I still don't think Tucker would be any good at hip hop. He did well in this dance because it was a Jazz routine. Calling it hip hop don't make it hip hop. Put him in a Nappy Tabs number or if you had him in that Luther Brown number from the episode and he would have fallen flat on his face (I'm assuming). I mean I

Which is sad because BluPrint really isn't good enough. I've been saying all along that no matter how much the judges want to push animators on us, this year they don't have a Cyrus that can make up for lack of technique with overwhelming personality. When BluPrint ends up in the bottom again, they need to just cut