
I don't think anyone would be able to say it's been a thankless job. I think a lot of us were very dubious about how this would work out after last year… enough said about that, and Sonia did a wonderful job resurrecting this show's coverage. If Teti is the PR review King, I certainly think Sonia deserves to be

Zac: Get that bitch something that twinkles, bitches love twinkling shit!

Then you have very little room to speak about the issue, don't you?

Why is Puck being 18 irrelevant?

I don't think the manner in which Glee mires it's own after school special moments is to its credit at all. Esp when put up against Murphy's original stance of Glee not being an after school special. This is a big part of the problem with the show, its own creators and showrunners have no idea what the fuck the show

Actually the fact that you took my SARCASM literally is what's ridiculous. The amount of time I spend complimenting Carrie on the amazing work she does (not simply on this show but on all the shows I follow that she covers) should be more than enough for an intelligent person to know I was kidding.

I agree with you 100%! the hard part about giving up on this show is I can't forget how good the show was in the first 2 seasons, how much I loved certain episodes back then, and even how great I think the current New York storyline is. I know what good Glee is capable of, and while I know that it's not reaching those

I always talk about how brilliant Carrie is as a reviewer, and then one day she said she enjoyed Angel season 4 and I realized I'd never be able to take her seriously again.

I really want to stop watching. I've tried to stop watching, but I just can't. And I stop watching shows like it's nobody's business. The Following was dead to me after only a few episodes. So why can't I just stop? I feel like I'm locked in Brokeback Mountain, "I wish I knew how to quit you, Glee!"

I'm not going to rag on the molestation thing too much. Partly because we ALL know Glee has no business going anywhere near such a subject matter, so that's a given, and partly because I didn't hate their handling of  it (slushie issue not withstanding) as much as I did their handling of the school shooting issue. I

2) if it's a new arch, it needs a touch up. The new arch looks like the old arch after it's been through the ringer a bit.

1) Is anyone else thinking that Ben is to Defiance as Kenny is to (early seasons of) South Park? I'm just saying, if he dies every week, that could be a lot of fun or get old fast. Take your pick.

"I hope her story is about transformation. From selfish con-woman, who abandoned her daughter to a good person, who ends up earning the right to get her daughter back."

I feel as though we apply the "best showcase yet" superlative to each episode in turn. This isn't a bad thing, it just feels like this week is always going to be the best until she does something next week to top it. Next week we see her playing a clone with serious mental instability and we're drooling all over her

That's my thought about how the show can go forward for awhile now that it's been introduced. If the question at the core of Helena and Sarah's existence and their connection is a Nature vs. Nurture question, then Sarah struggling against the more Helena aspects of her nature is a story a series could be built around.

My thoughts exactly!

I thought it was expressly pointed out that Helena wasn't working alone. She was at least connected to Chen and there was a statement (I thought) that Helena was working with Chen's organization to take out the clones and undo the mess they made by creating them in the first place… I just assumed shadowy guy was

Simply from a TV or a storytelling standpoint, I would say that the fact that Sarah is the main character is the reason why she *should* be the special one. I can't think of a story in which that isn't the case. Fringe focuses on Olivia because she was the special one to emerge from the cortexaphan (sp?) trials. Harry

At the very least it would be a significantly better use of Paul than we've seen thus far. I still like the idea of Chen and co being members of a rogue faction of religious zealots though. I'd go in for the idea that she and the rest of the fish symbol people were ex employees of the same shady lab who had major

All I know is I work for a local bus company and we can't even get into the building from the parking lot without using our badges to buzz the doors open, and even then moving within the building from room to room or floor to floor requires further buzzing. So if my place of work is more secure than Beth's… But then