
Go into it sober, and you will come away from it feeling like your on PCP

Heavily armed Black people? The government will drop bombs on them.

This was all an elaborate ruse. Just before Ric was put under the other Horsemen ran in and took out the surgical staff. Now they're having a party in the OR with all the hot nurses, and guess what, you're not invited. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

I for one do want to deface and destroy all statues. In fact if the pigeons get to shit on them, then so should I.

Ruby Tuesdays

Freaking Millennials, don't they know, there is no greater pleasure on this earth than getting tossed out of an Applebee's.

I think they use those post-episode things as red herrings sometimes.

She can keep the Eyrie's army in the North and keep sweet Robyn in check.

So what are the odds that Arya kills Lord Baelish and assumes his identity?

Jon's full title

You can't seriously be open to the idea of Gendry dying, can you?

They are citronella torches, they were just trying to keep the mosquitoes at bay

Well you don't mess with your base, and Trumps base is full to the brim with racists. At this point in my mind anyone who supports Trump is by default a racist. Because standing with him means standing with racists, and that makes you a racist.

Actualy it was Clipit the paper clip microsoft assistant who made all this happen

In Soviet Union tv shows only get one season, because actors get sent to Gulag afferwards.

So is this crocodile God as well?

Well if this sign wasn't supposed to go on the gun rack where was it supposed to go?

All that happened, but because of the oath the story ended early.

If you gotta be herpes, being Gentle Herpes is the one to be.

Dammit! There is a …and Justice for All pun in here somewhere but I just can't find it.