
This is a very common reaction/complaint.  I had the same thoughts myself when i finished the book.

Yeah I heard about the helmet thing.  Shame, but at least he doesn't spend an hour whining about how his NFL teams did poorly. 

Has anyone watched the GRRM commentary on the Season 2 DVDs yet?  Did he give anything away?  (It's not much, but in the Season 1 commentary he copped that the Goaler who goes missing in FFC was definitely Varys.)

My favorite thing about this movie is that near the end, Affleck is holding Uma by the hand after they tumble from some scaffolding, but eventually you realize he's saving her from a fall of about 2, 3 feet.

What's annoying is that the show uses the magical piece of paper/hidden document maguffin over and over.  I think every episode of "part 2" of this season had some variation of "I found the file that will win!" only to be countered with "yes, but I found this document that supercedes that."

That last scene was just the stupidest thing ever. And it went on and onnnnnn.

Yale's application is typically different (Harvard and Stanford, for example, have 500 word limits on essays, Yale's was 250) so it's a lot harder to "just apply."  At least when I applied. 

Carrie posting here in the hopes you might see it a week later—Rachel was asked to make a bunch of copies of exhibits/things for the case, so it sounded like it was above just "i need a few copies of these."  Things of that nature, making the extra copies for court or a deposition, often would go to paralegals as

Solid Trojan War reference.  Love that movie.

awesome suggestions, everyone.  thanks!

That Times piece is something else.  Anyone have kindle-friendly suggestions? (I'm not above getting paper ones, just headed to the airport shortly.)

Question for Rabin or the Commentariat:  What is the *best* movie about Hollywood that has the right mix of inside-baseball and debauchery?  Hit and Run?  You'll Never Eat Lunch…?

Amen.  At least link to the Rabin columns.  The "Color of Night" MYOF is one of the funniest things this site has ever hosted.

Yeah I still listen to "Give Up" and like it.  This sounds off.  There's is a possibility Ben Gibbard has lost it.  Narrow Stairs sucked.

This is terrible, right?

Nada Surf still tours, still releases albums, is still amazing.

Later that day, I got to thinking:  In the cold and lonely months of winter, would the A.V. Club try to warm up by watching a show about a Girls Club?

I wish this had some quotes at the end, mainly the story of how Roger was both the Dean and party animal prankster nemesis at the phony school he used to graduate from Georgetown…

The tribe has spoken!

The trailer for "Identity Thief" is just the worst thing from 2012:  that cut to the Bridesmaids chick with "errry day im hustlin-hustlin" is so painful.  I cringe when people laugh at that.