long balls

I think Thom Yorke once said something to the effect of, if you don't see the happiness in his music, you're not looking in the right places. Granted, a lot of his lyrics could be depressing, but the music and the melodies are so goddamn beautiful…People tend to focus on lyrics and ignore the fact that a song is more…

"No Surprises" is not about suicide, and it's not a depressing song. It's about longing for a quiet, peaceful life. I don't understand why everyone thinks it's so sad.

No no you've got me all wrong. I like Moore and (mostly) enjoy his films. I guess I was just pointing out that, for the most part, they play to his fanbase. Few who don't agree with Moore to begin with are going to be persuaded. Maybe he knows that, but it always seems like he's trying to convince you of something.

I bet
this movie will fix the economy, just like Bowling for Columbine fixed our gun laws and Fahrenheit 9/11 prevented Bush from getting re-elected. Oh, and like Sicko changed people's minds about universal healthcare.

I understand your reference, sir.

You're a monster.


You came to see the mobscene
I know it isn't your scene
It's better than a sex scene and it's
So fucking obscene, obscene, yeah

I second the American Dad love. Family Guy got worse as AD got better.

That is super fucking funny.

I think he's saying that Anna Faris' character made a series of choices that she knew would end in sex.

Finally! Someone mentions the Black Lips.
After the first time I saw them I swore I'd never miss them again. And I haven't.


Slightly off topic, but
In Rainbows Disc Two is superior to In Rainbows Disc One. In my opinion.
"Last Flowers"? "Four Minute Warning"? "Bangers and Mash"? Flawless.

How about the video for "Just"? Gotta be up there.

I just don't understand
how mistakes like this happen. Ever.

Best throwaway line
"He's mortal!"

I would have enjoyed that a lot more if that lead singer didn't insist on being a douchebag.


Good, but
this is like riding in an elevator with Wes Anderson.