
Everyone makes such a fuss about the VU, but I'm a much bigger fan of his solo work.
Anyone care for a top five list? including VU albums?
Here's mine:
1. Berlin
2. Cony Island Baby
3. Transformer
4. New York
5, VU- banana peel album

I have a friend who can roll a joint one handed, on a windy day, while pulling his golf clubs up a hill with the other hand. My hero!

You deserve nothing plebe!

who cares if he is confrontational- His point of view is interesting, even if I don't share it. Why is it that when anyone has an opinion that goes against the grain, they're automatically assumed to be "contrarians"? There, I defended the british twat… I should get some marks for that I dare say.

She writes for the New Yorker; that's a pretty good fucking magazine. It's hardly an insult.

are you just trying to sound like that archetypal british twat or are you some sort of unaware version of same? geez

Look, I'm from Canada, and she's on all the school reading lists, so you can't escape her. Canada is a pretty boring place and small town Ontario is as boring as it gets, so if you are going to focus on subject matter, then yes, you have a point. However, you really are missing the important point. To me what Munro

It's certainly what started his major drug problems

I guess that counts as sort of neutral, as opposed to completely negative. Thanks!!

maybe he could have an affair with that hot latina principal from walt's school- what's her name ? Carmen? Miss something or other….she was hot… I'd watch that. and maybe walt could almost walk in on them in the school furnace room or something- just throwing out ideas… let me know what you think, I've got a million

I love the waiter

Im getting married next week so I don't want to hear any negativity!

umm, you'rea dick= munro is mesmerizing- incredibly detached and understanding and tough. I love her- and as a canadian, I have to say I'm very glad it was her instead of Atwood, who can't help sticking her nose into everything and has the most appalling drawl when she speaks. Well, I used to love her but then she

I really liked the music that played over the credits, surprisingly moody and ethereal for East bound, but very beautiful.  Any body know where it comes from?

I agree with meth lab below- Franco should be given an A just for trying something so ambitious. The result is unimportant considering the level of the average movie.

going to a rainbow party tonight! yay!

i agree completely. like a lot of other people I started off really enjoying this show and then I gradually lost interest… I can barely remember why….it might have been that blaine charactor with the piping on his blazer and his perfect grooming all the time- The whole show is really just a weird gay fantasy- Sue was

bottle rocket is great. 
I loved kumar. RIP

whatever gets you thru the night is arguably one of the greatest songs of all time. that was a solo track- so he hadn't lost it, he just wasn't too worried about the charts anymore.

The real wife beater was Ike turner. not so sure about ray charles- i think he just fooled around alot- and enjoyed the heroin from time to time.