
I know Living Dolls became a series (with a young Halle Berry in the cast) and so it wouldn't have qualified for this Inventory. I didn't know that the Franny ep actually become a series.

Who's The Boss
I could swear I remember an episode of Who's The Boss with Fran Drecher and Donna Dixon playing struggling actesses or something, and it ended with them becoming Odd Couple like roomates at the end. ANyone else remember this?

24 Hour Party People
How could that not be on the list?! My favorite was disscusing the rest of Joy Division after Ian Curtis's suicide;

Screw NPH, Barrowman all the way!
For Gay Entertainer of the Decade, am I going to go for the guy who has used his fame to promote gay rights (Barrowman), or for the guy who has griped in interviews that he doesn't want to be an advocate, just a star (Doogie)? NPH is talented, and if it were for Funniest Guy on CBS,

It's too bad it was in the 70s, cause a young man who looks like Jared Padalecki could make $3000 easy on the internets these days!

"Red Wrapping Paper"….
is my favorite, cause while there are happy xmas songs, sad ones, funny ones, etc…, only Siouxsie would write a menacing one!

Does this mean…
that Smithers will be posing for Honcho or Inches?

I can't believe that cameltoe enhancing outfit, and she didn't get to change for the entire episode! Worst speedsuit ever!

Cook, Faison, Green, Myer all do voices on Adult Swims Titan Maximum, a pretty funny send up of Voltron. I didn't know this film was were it all started.

Did anyone else think after the creampuff scene this quote "Peter, I'm holding hooters!"?

I've had to defend my love for Yoko for too many years now. I'm glad she's finally getting appreciated for her work.

Fs as in fists? and five of them at once? Wow!

Not a bad 1st ep
and for the next while, when I get into a pointless argument that's going nowhere, I'm just going to yell "Well, you have Asperger's!"

I loved his reaction shot during lunch with Duck when Peggy asked if they would have to go to Duck's agency together. Also, the look on his face right before he started his concersation with Hollis. I have grown to love Vincent Kartheiser in this show as much as I hated him on "Angel", (which is alot), but I guess it

As somewhat progressive as Don has been (with Peggy anyways), he knows that the shit would totally hit the fan if he gave Peggy equal pay. SC is no where near ready for that.

and then they drop Hollis, get some blonde chick, and go on to form a successful folk group!

"If "Superstar" was the first Buffy episode you ever watched, you'd be very, very confused". It reminds me when my ex wanted me to start reading X-Men comics with him, and I started right at the begining of the "Age of Apocolypse" storyline. It was confusing for me when it went back to normal.

I love Waters's films, but of all things, the biggest laugh he ever gave me was the xmas card picture he sent out to people that was a photo of Steve Buscemi dressed as John Waters.

This is for…
the Video Music Awards! Way to aim for the middle.

The Twilight Dildo
It's small and overly cute. It seems that it would only satisfy immature teen girls, so it suits Twilight perfectly.