Scruffy Dangler

As another advocate for a violence free world, I suggest she do a PSA about wife-on-wife battery with Keira Knightley. It must be done funny & sexy like, to accomodate them both in their respective expertises.

What about the "Movie Loft" on channel 38?

02171 My condo building is in the backround of a scene in tha Depahtid.

The dyslexic rape drug network!

Not to tie this in to the other hater thread, but I'm looking forward to going to Fenway without having to go outside to Yawkee Way just for a smoke, because I just quit. Man that was a pain.

@ wazoo - I went to Baltimore last year and going again this year for Sox v Orioles games. Camden Yards is a cool park.

Yeah, Toucher & Rich just make fun of homeless guys' one-liners and that fat Adolpho kid.

I do miss leftover lunch on FNX with the attractive Julie Kramer

Could be worse
Could be eating ejaculate eclairs… or is it worse?

Remember the end of the movie "Happiness"?

The Website
Its fuckin great: 4 out of 5 family approved doves. If Satan were a minority it would get a 5 out of 5. Also, if your "group" wants to see it, they will send you a kit with a poster, sign in sheet and dvd of the trailer.

The devil see us the same as a scientist: evolved animals or "creatures"

I don't know, Hip Hopster - consider the number of homosexuals involved with ballet (even the straight people wear tights that reveal their squashed genitals), God may endorse the ballet, but the church certainly does not approve!

Satan suggested she should be a stripper to help the family cover her funeral costs during these tough economic times before she dies.
God wants her to dance (clothed) for fun so they end up in a shanty town where people have nowhere to turn but to God or crime.
In the end, we see that Satan was actually God posing

…ducked back down the alley with some, roly-poly little bat faced girl…

I agree jmar. Love the accent. I would never get tired of it.
You lucky, lucky bahstaahd ! I wish I was in London…

@Indianadave: Fer fuck's sake, brevity, man, brevity.

Ricochet -
I was probably 11 or 12, my friend's Mom naively took us to see it. Also, my friend's little brother of 9 was there as well. We all sat in the same row. When Denzel gets fucked by the blonde hooker in the empty pool, I have to admit I was captivated. I was actually leaning forward watching with wide eyes

semi serious answer:

Reminds me of the music they play when you ride a chocobo in the Final Fantasy video games.