
Agreed, they actually hit the feeling of moral dilemma much better with Kida and Smith than they do with Joe. It's not just that they are much more interesting and realized characters (though they are) it's that the show did a really good job setting things up in such a way that it isn't forcefully judging them, to

I think that actions taken against Jews in America would have taken place after the actual war really ended; after the Nazis were cemented in power. And if the video shows an alternate alternate history it could actually be taking place at the same time as the events in the show are.

Well, saddest except for Bear's poor son.

Mike's ending was the saddest. Gale Kitchen standing out there in the street, waiting, waiting for the signal that he is needed. Mike turns around, looks at his typewriter. This is the fate that Joe Bulo wanted to save him from. He has never been to Baltimore, and now he never will.

There is definitely a similarity, I'd say Hess movies have a much more blue-collar vibe to them than do Wes Anderson, and the characters are "small people". Wes Anderson with a Mike Judge worldview.

This review spelled out my fears for this movie: I don't think it would have to be "anti-religious" to be good, but it would have to have some bite to it, and the Hesses have had less of that as time goes on. It's a shame, Rockwell, Clement and McBride are all actors who can inhabit the Hess sort of world very well.

I don't think racists under the age of 80 really use "uppity" anymore.

Laura Bush always seemed a little withdrawn from it all. If she had been more like Nancy Reagan at George's worst polling times, people would've hated her. Michelle is somewhere in the middle, I'd expect her to get some more heat as Barack's numbers decline. Race is obviously a factor, too.

As far as our recent Women Who Happen To Be Married to the Sociopath Deemed Most Manageable and Palatable Enough to the Masses go, I'm a little down on Michelle. She's a little too on board with it for my taste, like Nancy Reagan or Tipper Gore if they had been younger and cooler.

Dancing with a turnip on Vine while Rome burns.

It was lame when Nancy Reagan made us say no to drugs and it lame when Michelle Obama is making us do whatever vague things she's making us do with vegetables. I'm beginning to think to think that we ought rethink our laws deferring to the First Ladies in all matters of substance intake and maybe just reduce the role

Indirectly arguing about shifting paradigms.

So I thought (and still hope) that Sunny was going to go ronin on his daimyo and become sort of a kung fu Mad Max. Also, Tilda better turn out to be a werewolf or a monkey king like MK. Not that I think that would really be that cool, it's just that since we have already established her as someone who can kill

Her standup is pretty decent, if anything is overrated it's her tv show; most of the skits give off that "stand-ups and radio people trying to act" vibe pretty hard which ruins some sketches that could be good.

It's kinda sweet how they save the seats for Bulo and dead Kitchen. If Mike ends up the last Kansas City survivor I don't know how he's going to drive the car.

Needed more Duffy. And more Wynn (because you can't have the Duffy without the Wynn). I always thought he had the best frenemy chemistry with Raylan. He actually became more scarce after becoming a regular.

I could buy a light skinned black guy as Vito Corleone. Marlon Brando wasn't actually Italian (or Jewish, Cuban, Greek, Puerto Rican, or any of the other ethnicities that get to play La Cosa) he was just a white guy with Mediterranean enough features/surname.

Next we'll be learning that Alex Haley is not in fact Malcolm X.

50 Cent's show Power that he always obnoxiously compares to Empire is actually a lot better than Empire, aside from casting an actor who clearly isn't a Serb as "the Serb".

We need a vehicle with which to discover the next OJ Simpson.