
Drones aren't the problem, how we use them is; they allow for more unchecked and lethal executive power. Colbert says it better than I ever could (see 'Two Birds with One Drone', etc) just not when Obama is in the same room as him. For some reason I'm holding out on a Daily Show alum to be the one to speak truth to

It's good to know that though Colbert will occasionally give Obama some guff for things like asserting and exercising his right to blindly and remotely kill a lot of people, when it really comes down to it, they are buddies.

Somebody is probably alleging it. It's hard to be the first one to do anything. Just in case, though, let me allege right now that Ted Cruz is ineligible to be President.

Io have to disagree with all of those who think Wayne is a charlatan in the context of this show. Probably not a good or trustworthy person, but his abilities seem legit, and the bo nonsense way he presents himself "you already paid me, I don't care about you now" is much more in line with some superpowered man

I felt like seeing a musical about Tupac, and then an Australian girl started rapping like Nikki Minaj. Now there is no room in my heart for a musical about Pac.
Can we get the NWA biopic released in musical form though? Because I would be genuinely excited about watching that.

I always read these things hoping that the A.V. Club interviewer is a die-hard fan of the Hated Song and that it means something to him/her on a deep personal level.

When I saw the headline I was really almost certain this was going to be related to the Jerry Heller casting. Like maybe Ice Cube called up Macklemore to audition and told him to bring his own costume. But what I really want to know now is how poor do you have to be to qualify as a D girl?

Eh, John Turturro gets the pass in my book, he's "Mediterranean" enough to pass for an Egyptian or Sephardic Jew, as the case may be. You know what they say about dark Italians. I've never understood people getting up in arms when an Iranian actor plays a Greek or a Turk plays an Arab, if you're an ethnic actor you