
I KNEW he reminded me of somebody.

Hush, don't give them any ideas.

LLOLOLOL Don't you know? Rules never apply to Barry. He is the center of the fucking universe and can do know wrong (seriously fuck Barry Allen. He made half the season about learning the consequences of time traveling to the past and swearing never to do it again only to immediately follow it up with decision to

Honestly that sounds like Damien Darkh levels of narcissim.

Pretty sure it will be like Flashpoint in this season of Flash. A fun alternate reality that will last for 1 episode and have random changes to the other shows but otherwise nbd.

Pretty sure the Arrow writers realized what a mistake it was to kill of Sara within 5 minutes of the premiere of Season 3 airing…

She's the best. She better have an enlarged presence in next season's crossover (which I'm guessing will actually involve all 4 shows and will go all in on the crazy). I need her interacting with Kara and Oliver like air..

I was DEVASTATED when I thought Amaya was going to leave. I can take or leave Nate but I would have sorely missed her presence in season 3.

The villain for S3 is going to have serious shoes to fill…

To be fair, I'm pretty sure it was Miller's decision to leave the show and come back as an occasional guest star, not Berlanti's.

Just realized there was no True American this entire season. That alone should mandate New Girl get a final seventh season to say good bye (kind of like how Mindy Project is getting a final season next year).

I can already imagine how neurotic Schmidt will be as a father and I WANT IT.

Gossip Girl. I went from binging the entire season in one week and eagerly recommending it to friends (and defending it from its detractors), looking up fashion blogs for the show and shipping couples like mad…to the final season where each episode felt like an excercise in torture. My completist instincts wouldn't

Nah, NBC is too busy ordering comedies about Mail Order Brides and sitcoms about war crimes to do something as little importance as preventing America from entering total dystopian apopolysce.

Yeah, as a brown person, I am very, very scared. The Last Airbender did NOT inspire confidence neither is the fact that this show is being co written by a white guy.

As an Indian American, I want to be excited about this (even thought it's kind of sad the closest we can get to a South Asian version of Fresh off the Boat has to be animated), but I'm already dreading the fact that every single Indian character will be voiced by a white person, some of them basing their work off of

I would have enjoyed a scene where the higher ranking members of the Congress/Cabinet are all arguing over who has to do it and somebody is like, let the housing guy do it, he will be fired tomorrow and nobody will even see him again…(if for the added irony alone)

I think the point was that everyone was so convinced this would never happen, they just make the least important person the designated survivor. Like, he is going to be fired anyway, we don't need him at the State of Union…

Right? I was super bummed yesterday night to see no review of it. I even kept on refreshing this morning, hoping it would pop up. Review This is us AV Club! It's right up your alley and has a lot of good reviews/buzz.

Any idea of who Maggie Q kept on calling on the phone and asking if they were okay? At first, I thought she was somehow having an affair with Keith Sutherland's character which would be super cliche but considering how much of the show is built around him being a decent person, it seems unlikely.