
Yes! I am so sad :(

I just wanted Parks and Rec to win an Emmy, God Damn it!

I would maybe advice getting the free one month of Hulu once the season is about to end so you can watch all the episodes this season at once for free without having to wait for the DVD to come out :)

No Mindy Project? Really? Going to be super bummed if the move to hulu means AV Club will no longer be covering the show.

For a second after I googled him and realized with a sinking feeling why his name sounded so familiar, I was terrified because I loved the good Damon Wayans in Happy Endings and New Girl.

Are you being sincere? Because I have lots of recommendations but considering how many people out there have (completely wrong but understandable) preconceived misconceptions about fanfiction, I am a but wary…

Okay, I think we all agree that Parks and Rec and Glee occupy vastly different stances in terms of quality so comparing them seems a bit absurd.

1), 2), 6) (Worst finale of all time)

I would watch the shit out of that show

My favorite has always been Cosima. Despite being a super genius and all, she seems like the most fun to hang out with. And you can't really argue with that epic hair…

*offended gasp* How dare you compare the great and might Parks and Rec to this mess? How dare you?

I have f.lux on my computer too and I saw the dress as black and blue yesterday night. Curious as if the screen made a difference, I checked on my phone, tablet and, this morning, my mother's laptop. It appeared the same across all sceeens .

Should I watch Friday Night Lights to replace the Parks and Rec hole in my heart? The shows seem slightly similar but I'm wary as I have zero interest in football and a pretty hard core liberal feminist. Will I enjoy the show or be constantly irritated by the conservative Texas setting or am I just completely