BP 2.0

So will this become Cannibal Holocaust: The Series?

I always get this guy confused with the avuncular black gentleman from 21 Jump Street and The X-Files.  According to IMDB they were both in Cooley High!

I was hoping Hollywood Forever Cemetery would actually be in the video.  It's a pretty cool place.  Lots of famous actors are buried there and they offer tours of their graves.  They also host concerts and movies from what I understand.

I'm surprised by the lack of mention of "Dead & Buried" in this obit.  A rare starring film role for Mr. Farentino, no?

RIP and all, but the film in which he played Little John was "ROBIN and Marian".  You know, because it was about Robin Hood.

"For Every Man, There's Two Women"!  Finally a Very Special Episode that's actually a Very Special Episode!

What about his role as the mentally disabled janitor during the late-era, every episode is a Very Special Episode-era of "Diff'rent Strokes"?

Disappointed by the lack of Death Race 2000 in this article.  I think it covers a lot of the same ground as Rollerball but does so in a more entertaining, humorous, sexy way.

I say Yes.  I'm often torn between whether Soylent Green is a good film with a lot of bad parts or whether it's a bad film with a lot of good parts.  But the opening credits and SPOILER Edward G. Robinson's death scene are really well done.

I think that voting for "the senator from Illinois" just shows how conservative Obama really is.

I prefer the Melvin and the Squirrels film "Squirreled Away…by an Unusual Destiny in the Blue Sea of August".

The AV Club reviews The Three Amigos on the same day that they review an episode of The Sopranos featuring The Three Amigos. Coincidence?

So why was Artie the only living person in the car?

100 Bullets is exceptional.  Really nothing else like it in comics.  One of these days I'll have to reread the series so I can make some sense of the damn thing.

Where does TENAFLY fit in to all this?

This seems as good a place as any to request Kung Fu for TV Club Classic.  How about it?

I always felt what attracted Wegler to Carmela, other than her earthiness, was the element of danger in dating the ex-wife of a mobster.

Just saw him on an episode of Dallas a couple of days ago…playing a pimp.  He was great no matter what his role.

Odd, I was just thinking about her the other day and how I always get her confused with the woman who played Millie Helper on The Dick Van Dyke Show.  She's still alive, right?  Anybody else get them confused?

As a young 'un, I used to watch this every Friday night with my action movie-loving Dad.  Weird, right?