Happy Go Lucky

The show's tagline was "Man is the Cruelest Animal." It was right there on the tin for crying out loud.

Dammit Dale!

Maybe they'll really go out on a limb next year and make fun of Lindsay Lohan.

Is he going to retire from public life before or after he leaves the country because Dubya became president.

He could be Megatron, and I'd still root for him in a battle with Trump.

Except 24 didn't completely and totally shit the hell until it's sixth season. Heroes managed to do that in it's first season finale. Plus I got to imagine there's a lot more audience affection for Jack Bauer than there is for any of clowns on Heroes.

My Two Facehuggers.

Ryan Reynolds sits in his room silently crying to himself and cursing the fact that no matter how hard he tries to get comic fans to love him, everything he does just makes them hate him more.

It's almost like the movie featuring a machine gun carrying raccoon isn't meant to be a serious look at what alien life might actually be like.

Best Olympics ever folks!

Singer really doe have a knack for taking big-budget blockbusters and making them look and feel like they were shot on a Vancouver backlot on a Syfy production's budget.

The raccoon looks cooler than all the new X-Men put together. For fuck's sake Singer, get over the black leather already.

Motherfucker was in a Transformers movie.

I thought Bosch was okay but I think I'd be more excited for it if there wasn't already a glut of shows about season long murder mysteries investigated by troubled cops.

A chill always runs down my spine every time I see the words "written by Ryan Murphy" appear on screen.

Seven was the one example of a poochie actually working.

So after weeks of buildup the traitor turned out to be a character we've seen maybe three or four times since the show started?

Michael Dudikoff handles Spleens.

It's good to see that Paramount security is just as good as Starfleet's.

Or 21 Jump Street?