U didn't even realize that this was based on a comic. Whiteout is such a generic title it could be used for any movie that has snow in it.
Can u get the Internet on a 1930's antique phonograph that was
used in the hotel bar at the Chelsey Hotel?
The Mentalist
Anyone see the episode of Psych last week where they completly made fun of the mentalist for ripping off the premise for the show. It was pretty funny.
I enjoy that show Psych
I find the show entertaining but I find it really embarassing to even mention the tilte. It's just so stupid.
J. K. Simmons is alwyas fun to watch. Also the previews for this movie look like a dumb romantic comedy where Ben Affleck has a beard. Now that I know it's Mike Judge I want to see it.
Throwing mud at Green Day is from Woodstock 1994
That was on Bob and David.com right?
If you go to the library they let you leave with the book for free. Coffee or no coffee. There is no limit to how many times you can read the book.
There is plenty in Ron Ronnie Run to laugh at. Mandy's singing while Bob was crying is too funny. The Gay Cabal scene is great too. As a fan of Mr. Show I find it an enjoyable watch but it does make you wish BoB and David get a shot at making another movie together.
How bad is Eli Roth in this movie? Horrible, Extrememly Horrible or failed firstie?
This thread is so funny I sharkm
Also I believe he sometimes wears a visior. 'Nuff said.
Joe Strummer for sure. Kris Krisofferson would probably interating too. He's an actor and musician. So score!
… I love season 1,2 and 3 ithnk these episodes are a turning point when the show turned from good to a classic. Probably cause I enjoy my episodes with as much Spike and Anya as possible
And that little Phil Hatman blurb made me well up. These really are excellent Bill episodes.
Also there is a great part that goes something like this: