
Thank you, AV Club, for bringing this to my attention.  And I don't mean that in an Eddie-Haskell sort of way.

I get it!

Maybe I just can't get past that bass tone but it sounds like Lightning Bolt with vox.

Al Jourgensen:  Still Shocking!

Before I was in a band and tangentially part of a scene, this didn't bother me; the record was the thing and a band might sound better live but it was never the record's fault for sounding worse.  It's only after approaching making the record from the perspective of attempting to capture "our sound" that I can

…And yet big, shirtless Matt Pike gets shit for being formulaic.

Lars can keep a consistent tempo, and that's where Pelican fails [on the two records I have].  In metal you'll often find great drummers in a lousy band, but a band with a lousy drummer can never be great.  Influential, perhaps, but never great.

Thanks!  Now maybe something about the placement of a period? 

I don't watch this show, but I'm happy that the guy from Boomtown is still working.

…But if I am to listen to Kesha (and 90% of the other guests), this will be how it happens. 

"Yeah, but I shoot with THIS hand."

Not to start an internet battle, but I humbly recommend you give it another listen.  I think it's as good as Deliverance; although that album benefited from the novelty and excitement of the first full-length with the "Vote With A Bullet" lineup, …God's production, enthusiasm, and feel are consistent and a welcome

While all over the map, In The Arms Of God was a very good (if not
great) album, and the title song was fucking awesomely heavy (even
despite the little shuffle in the verse).  Looking forward to the
reunion; I love me some Pepper, but the little bit that remains (check out the groove at the 4-minute mark) isn't

But what about the one-off from the Jimi Hendrix tribute record?  If Chris re-recorded his entire output using that timbre, I'd buy it all all over again.

"Hey, Jeff, it's great being in a cool underground band with Mark Arm and Steve Turner, but I'd like to wear makeup and bright colors." 
"Yeah, Stone, let's make a new band and and get a pretty singer who can make us rich and famous."

I'm an SG fan who loves Eleven, and I still hated (and hate) EM.  Even if he didn't want to do an album full of "Seasons," I still think EM would have been better as a quieter record.  To me that album is the beginning of the Audioslave mode where it sounds like Chris is sitting down, printing first takes.


Yeah, between that and the monster riff in "Your Saviour," Tot Dog was a lot more rock than people thought. 

A Sweet Water reference?!  Oh, sorry.