
It's plenty heavy. More notes does not heavy make.

Also see "Box of Paperbacks"

Start with Age of Winters and work your way up.

Everybody knows the 70s didn't end until Van Halen's "Push Comes to Shove" came out on on Fair Warning in 1981.

I get all my news and reviews from AVC* and still think they're overexposed thanks to all y'all complainin.'

I thought you said "I was having a goat dream."

I'd watch Undercovers if they changed the name to "Boris & Gugu."

Thai good. Like shirt?

Good call Shaggydog, glad somebody caught that.

"multiple references to games passed"
Is this supposed to be 'past,' or am I just reading it wrong?

What do you get when you take Road Warrior and remove George Miller and Mel Gibson?

Weren't there also giant scorpions?

That David Caruso really got around, didn't he?

As I stated before, I've never (knowingly) heard anything else by them but the songs on this page seem to sound very different from a production standpoint and I think very nicely fit an arc. The first was a young, loose sound, but the second has the jangly cheer of a band more comfortable in the studio; the third,

I knew nothing of Big Star before and this piece wasn't enough to prompt me to check out more but based solely upon this bit I'd say using phrases like "Chilton and co" are misleading; whereas a collaborative band might have a unified vision and work together to achieve a sound, bands featuring 'primary songwriters'

Hamill really nailed it, too, although Daniels really stunk up the joint.

I hope lung cancer research develops a morning-after pill for my lungs. That scrub-brush Chris Farley was pushing just isn't practical.

I'm not predisposed to liking anything French but fuck, these frogs are onto something.

Now, if it had been in 3D…

Renewed?! Where did it go?! The preview came on the TV during the US/UK World Cup game and by the time the preview ended THE U.S. HAD WON, no matter what the score.