
Cuba Gooding Jr
As R2D2, Terrence Howard as Luke.

Indeed. And the iPhone is already a cross between several things I used to have to carry around…now if Apple could just imprint my identity onto a portable device, I could stay home and watch cartoons.

Swedish weirdo
= Redundant. I judge them based upon their chef.

According to Kent Brockman, Fox deliberately runs shows that will attract huge fines, which are then funneled through the FCC to the Republican Party.

I feel the same way about Neil Peart's lyrics.

@ Lone Audience: didn't buy it, but I Netflixed it to watch with the wife. After weeks waiting for her to feel like a 'heavy movie' she finally consented to give it a shot. Got all the way to the title screen before she reneged. Sent it back unscreened. Now I'm kind of glad I didn't make her watch it, but I also

Las cucarachas entran, pero no pueden salir.

My theory is that in many cases the first album's material was created, 'club-tested,' and refined over the course of years whereas the songs comprising the sophomore release were created overnight in the studio and don't sound like the original. Therefore no matter how 'good' the second record is, it has a much

Toni Basil
To take the literal approach, Toni Basil's "Shoppin' From A to Z" has been stuck in my head for literally decades. Any time I'm in the store by myself, any time ANYBODY says "I'm going shopping," I start bopping and listing items from A to Z. Listen and try to resist.

And thanks to Skullcrusherjones, we've now gone from Roman Polanski to the Crow. Not sure what to make of that progression.

Stiller was entertaining, if predictable, on Friends

Does Badmotorfinger count? I respectfully submit "Room a Thousand Years Wide" and allow that it works but doesn't enhance. The Ihsahn arrangement, by way of contrast, is actually pretty cool, contextually. And within a ten-minute piece, I definitely appreciate the addition of an unexpected instrument (not that

Sounded like the Princess Bride for a moment there. Plus drugs.

Makes sense to me
"when you get really talented people in your country, you want to send them away as fast as possible, because they make everybody else feel bad"

A Recommended Baldwin Who's Not Alec!
Eat up, Stephen. You're the weakest.

For real. Call me naive but I have to believe those two lunkheads can find a better agent who can actually get them some good movies.

Anybody actually sit through one of these? Are they watchable? I mean, for us old folks.

I like short shows. Don't have time to get sucked in to a multi-season slow burner featuring delicate portrayals of well-thought-out characters engaging in poignant plot arcs etc etc. I've carefully avoided shows that are widely acknowledged to be great for that reason. I'm glad you people like the Wire and Lost

Love these guys.
Glad they're working.
Tim and Eric, that is. Meh on BB.

Especially Lisa. But *especially* Bart.