
She killed you until you died from it.

Hey now, not ALL people in Ohio lack television…just most of them.

Another great Clonus riff: "Professor Darren and Doctor Super Mario Brother."

Everything in "The Final Sacrifice" episode of MST3K is hilarious, but they really take it up a notch once the characters stumble upon the weird grizzled prospector.

Three of the greatest half-hours of comedy thanks to IASIP: "Sweet Dee is Dating a Retarded Person", "The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis" and "The Gang Gets Extreme: Home Makeover Edition"

I'm surprised it took this long for someone to use that.

Same here. It was…interesting.

No worries. People either love or hate Rush, there seems to be no middle ground, and the singing sometimes sounds like fingernails on a blackboard…

Favorite song?
"Distant Early Warning" by Rush

A reappearance of Brian Fellows and Astronaut Jones are always welcome.

Jane Kazcmerik (sp?)'s character reminded me way too much of my own batfuck insane mother, so I was naturally inclined to dislike Malcom in the Middle.

Stupid duplicates

Stupid duplicates

I guess you could argue that Hot Rod was a feature-length digital short.

I guess you could argue that Hot Rod was a feature-length digital short.

Its Big Momma's House without all the suck.

I'm still holding out hope that Honky Grandma Be Trippin' will someday be greenlighted.

Nougatbutcher sucks a fat snickers.

Lets not forget "It smells like dude in here!"

Even more ironic is that Obama went by "Barry" instead of Barack until college.