Oscar, please end all your sentences with the requisite "jackass!"
Oscar, please end all your sentences with the requisite "jackass!"
Oscar, please end all your sentences with the requisite "jackass!"
I'm just gonna come out and say it. I love ABC Family.
I'm just gonna come out and say it. I love ABC Family.
Black fishes, queens of thorns but no red vipers? Alas.
Black fishes, queens of thorns but no red vipers? Alas.
Not today, @avclub-0a558d4599812ec05864735715691c48:disqus. Not today.
Not today, @avclub-0a558d4599812ec05864735715691c48:disqus. Not today.
That reaction was priceless. Fucking Ginsberg, does it again.
That reaction was priceless. Fucking Ginsberg, does it again.
I don't know, @avclub-bc3e14e2ab565f7787d753233df681d1:disqus , if my mentor tossed cash in my face disdainfully after taking my creative concept and handing it to a young up-start, I don't know that an apology would really suffice.
I don't know, @avclub-bc3e14e2ab565f7787d753233df681d1:disqus , if my mentor tossed cash in my face disdainfully after taking my creative concept and handing it to a young up-start, I don't know that an apology would really suffice.
Absolutely. You can read both in his expression when Joan enters Sterling's office as a partner. Shock that she went through with it, with a touch of winds-out-of-his-sails at realizing that this victory is tainted, that he'll never know whether his pitch was the deciding factor.
Absolutely. You can read both in his expression when Joan enters Sterling's office as a partner. Shock that she went through with it, with a touch of winds-out-of-his-sails at realizing that this victory is tainted, that he'll never know whether his pitch was the deciding factor.
Lost in the madness of the episode, but I was disappointed by the dissolution of Ken and Peggy's pact. I always liked their relationship, and Ken in particular seems to be one of the more decent guys at the agency, judging her on merit alone.
Lost in the madness of the episode, but I was disappointed by the dissolution of Ken and Peggy's pact. I always liked their relationship, and Ken in particular seems to be one of the more decent guys at the agency, judging her on merit alone.
Oh thank god I'm not the only one. I was tearing up through that entire scene, cannot remember Mad Men affecting me this way before. Full on waterworks by the end.
Oh thank god I'm not the only one. I was tearing up through that entire scene, cannot remember Mad Men affecting me this way before. Full on waterworks by the end.
The face-off with Quorin is one of my favourite scenes, I really hope they don't scrap or change it too much.
It's a kinder, gentler Cersei on HBO. And one who apparently acknowledges that her son is really, seriously fucked up.