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    whatever happened to that clone? did they ever admit they made the whole thing up or do they claim that it's just stashed away in secret somewhere because the world isn't ready for it?

    considering how science fiction has been totally normalized within both Hollywood and art cinema for over half a century, I find it incredible that any non-geriatric person could possibly hold such a belief

    I'm probably going to see it next week. do I need to watch Macao first to fully appreciate it?

    best comment I've seen here in a while

    not sure whether this makes it more excusable or less

    keep in mind that 60 years ago it was rare to enter a film at the beginning and stay through the end. people didn't go to a movie, they went to "the movies." sadly, it's possible that the period of time in which the movie theater was treated as a sacred space of undivided attention is but a short blip in a long

    to be fair, she wasn't calling because they were out of nuggets, she was calling because they refused to give her her money back - still not an emergency, but it is technically theft

    or maybe just don't post any more Werner Herzog impressions because the joke ceased being funny years ago

    she's so good in The Ninth Gate

    @avclub-7928cdc9a5040872be11e87e9bef1d67:disqus (I apologize for being a dumbass about how to address comments to people - the above was in response to you)

    @Louis CK Dexter Haven - "date rape" is a dumb and offensive concept invented by people with an unrealistic "masked stranger in a dark alley" conception of what most rapes are actually like and whose implicit line of reasoning is "well they went on a date together so she must have KINDA wanted it!". "regular ole" rape

    surprised to see this on the AV Club! I saw the "premiere" of this at the Spectacle theater in NY (hole in the wall that shows mostly bootleg rarities and outre political stuff) and it was way better than what I was anticipating. in addition to all the really smart satirical juxtapositions (all the Occupy references,

    Richard Brody!

    he's like the aliens in Galaxy Quest

    oh, It's All That bad alright

    depressing, isn't it?

    My problem with Armond White has nothing to do with his critical
    opinions (which I think are often interesting) and everything to do with
    him being a BAD WRITER. What's with the "and in 3-D" tacked onto the
    end of that sentence??