
If you can only read sentences with a literal, non-snarky interpretation, go and see a mental health professional, or consider choosing another website's comment section.

The internet is a way for the internet to know itself.

I did the same. It was amazing how easily people would give up an opportunity to actually LEARN about a subject while simultaneously putting their education in jeopardy (the consequence of plagiarism being expulsion, as I think it is at most schools). I was already graduated and just waiting tables for work, so I had

The only difference between the two is that Das Racist was actually good.

Yeah, Mollusk is really just nautically themed. And I've always thought Chocolate and Cheese plays better front to back; the scope of either album is great but there are a few on the Mollusk that I like in theory more than in actuality.

I think as consumers of music we can argue for ANY album as conceptual, especially if it reaches us at a certain time and impacts us in a certain way.

Well, McCartney always puts on a smile through people's terrible, terrible renditions of his best songs.

It's between that one, "Cities," and "Slippery People" for me. With a nod to "Life During Wartime."

Yet here you are.

Yeah, but you've got to admit those choruses fit together much better than you ever could have imagined.

Cause I've said "that happened to me yesterday" before to underline a coincidental set of events when it might have actually been two or three days ago.

Me too, and I hadn't listened to it in years until literally yesterday. Then today I see this on the homepage. The same thing happened to me two (three?) days ago with "Bam Bam." Weird shit man.

I like to think of the penis as an "overbred" clitoris.

And there's only two of them!

It definitely affects everyone differently, sometimes drastically so. I can't fall asleep for 3 or 4 hours after smoking, sometimes longer. Makes me way slower mentally and I have a hard time carrying a conversation. The weirdest part is that it actually tenses my body instead of relaxing me.

This was actually the only Zelda game I ever played front to back, cause my mom didn't let me get anything except a game boy.

I'm in the same boat, with the same goals and same fears. But to be honest, we're both at this website, which can probably lead one to assume we have more defined tastes and a better ear for criticism (including self-criticism) than most, including other musicians. That's not meant to put us on any kind of pedestal; I

Damn, that's crazy. Fellow UMaine grad too. Steals so many scenes on that show.

How subtle and humorous of you.

And TWO stops in Maine! He must not be familiar with this place!