
You're not an editor! You're just a librarian!

Since last time he came to Maine we put him in a gym, on a basketball court, and sat in folding chairs, he's probably not pumped to come back.

No one with any amount of swag would ever say that.

You already do!

THC isn't water or saline soluble, so I'm pretty sure it would just bubble up and cause some serious problems once it got to your heart. But I do get your point, IV is generally a bad idea for addictive potential. (to say nothing about greater likelihood of OD, needle complications, air bubbles, infection, etc.)

The bigger the space, the bigger the COCK

Actually Dick Rowe was completely wrong when he made that comment, since guitar groups remained a dominant force in music, popular and otherwise, for 40 years afterwards.

Yeah, their sound will NEVER catch on!

I always assumed that was cause when they made the jump to CDs, that's the lineup they released. If we grew up in the 80's maybe we'd have a few different vinyl copies of the Capitol records.

Marah- I can't believe you're the only person to put Rhye on your list. But it makes sense cause your mid-year songs list put me on to it, and now it's one of my favorite albums of the year. So thanks.

Menstrual blood. The BEST kind.

I had invited a girl over one night that I had never met before; she was good friends with a coworker, we had seen each other from a distance, mutual attraction, etc. We sit and chat for a while, go out for some food, come back, and start fooling around.

Dude FUCK Bangor. I went to UMO and worked at a chain restaurant on Stillwater. That place is a black hole of energy and culture.

The most "Mainer" dudes I know tend to swear, on average, every other word. They can string em together like no one else.

If you write about your testicle pain on the internet, you gotta expect someone to take notice.

I have never read a sentence that I understand less than this one.

It's extremely ironic that the website name "feministing" immediately makes me think of "fisting."

I'm here!
I'm queer!
…Now I'm over here!

What's that dude on the right drinking?

Your "kid with ADD" picture makes this all work.