I think your order's more on target than mine. Even in the case of singing competitions, I highly doubt fans vote based solely on vocal ability so it's definitely not the first indicator of success on those shows.
I think your order's more on target than mine. Even in the case of singing competitions, I highly doubt fans vote based solely on vocal ability so it's definitely not the first indicator of success on those shows.
No kidding. You'd think any record company attached to such a mammoth blockbuster of a show would have the good sense to fast-track this shit. It must get cogged up in pre-production somehow, cause there's no way the SONGS themselves are what take so long.
You got that right Scott.
I think it's sort of a response to the pay-per-song model that popped up after those first-wave boy bands. Cause I know Bieber had a few, and a lot of newer manufactured artists have them on iTunes pre-LP as well. It's a lot easier to gamble on artists when you only need half the number of songs that an album requires.
First they have to stop that menace Adolf Hitler. Did you know he just invaded Poland? Boy howdy!
Artistic merit doesn't resonate with the audience of these shows half as much as "hitting the right notes" does. When addressing the majority of the record-buying public (and especially the vocal competition-viewing public), songwriting is the last thing that matters.
Yeah it's weird that they would choose to put attractive people on television.
As a psychology major I am irrationally and incorrectly applying everyone's various social and workforce ailments to myself.
My parents hate country music, most pop radio music, and have a hard time liking any music that came out after 1990, but they eat this shit right up. The Voice may not keep performing like it has been in the ratings, but there's never gonna be a lack of people who watch it solely as a singing competition and couldn't…
I wish I liked Metallica even a little bit so I could pirate the FUCK out of everything they've ever made.
Might as well wait for tomorrow at this point, but you'll like it. Based on like 2 other comments of yours I'm remembering off the top of my head, we got similar music taste.
It's one of my favorite parts of the album. I can't tell if it's unsettling to me for being the definition of fucking obnoxious, or because it's, like, way too good.
Their self-titled is nothing BUT fun.
It's kind of like season 4 of AD in that way, but there's also no drawn-out buildups to complex payoffs, satisfying or otherwise. It's so ballsy and immediate, which is what I missed on Dark Fantasy.
I can almost always understand when someone doesn't "get into" an album like I do, and 99% of the time feel no desire to sway their opinion (I never liked MBDTF that much and still don't understand what everyone sees in it). But goddamn the new Vampire Weekend is phenomenal.
Well they think "The Motto" is a good song. That's like the litmus test for someone being wack.
I like it more than anything he's ever done. I went from hating him on principle to WANTING to like him, and now I guess I actually do.
Spread it on!
The guy who wrote the original Wilder version, David Seltzer (uncredited I think), is a family friend of mine. I once asked him what he thought of the remake, and his distaste for it was more or less masked by the fact that he got dope royalties from it.
Then again, he's always been a modest guy so maybe he just didn't…
6 million, guys.