
They should grant him full porn privileges at work for writing this article.

I'm at home. Trust me, everything's fine.

That's my least favorite too, but I couldn't imagine a straight shot from "Ya Hey" to "Young Lion" without that song winding the album down. Still damn near perfect by all accounts.

Everyone's heard this by now right?

Critics just needed MORE TIME with that one.

Your new avatar would indicate otherwise.


Definitely gonna do this every time now. Even if she's obviously down, it seems like it would make the comfort/connection level that much more elevated. Great advice.

My sister is due in a few weeks with her first baby boy. The ultrasound I went to a couple months ago revealed an abnormally large penis. I could not be more proud.

This was never the case for me. Gradually moving to the area is fine, but I would always just cop a feel like I was grabbing any other part of her body; waist, neck, etc. NOT going for it and just playing with her tits or whatever. If she's cool with that, you're green lit for extended play (the EP, if you will).

Yeah, when you're 14 and learning how to dry hump.

Because there is nothing you'd like more than for this show to get awesome again.

"Dude come into my bathroom real quick and take a picture of me in this leather polka dot jacket."

My first mix CD had "Rape Me" by Nirvana on it, a song I was specifically forbidden to listen to. When I wrote the track list on the paper insert for the jewel case, it skips from "Track 6" to "Track 8".

If she really wanted to honor John Lennon, they would be Paul's balls.

Good, then I'll be across the street in my Escalade laughing and holding up a floppy disk containing a scanned copy.

I'm totally mailing it to your house.

Have you ever SEEN this show?!

An O'Neal original of Skylar blowing Ted would've worked equally as well for me.

-Me, after having just successfully broken into Bryan Cranston's car