J Mann

1) Ilan was jumping at the chance to gang up on Marcel. Yes, Marcel was annoying, but watching the clique form to beat on him was ugly, and Ilan and Betty seemed to get the most pleasure out of being part of the mean girls. (Yes, it's all editing, but that's what we have to go on.)

The third and a half wall moments* were all awesome. I particularly liked Ebony's defense of Ruckus.

I'm hoping for Mystique.

I couldn't get excited about this one. I'm all for gay marriage IRL, but:

Mr. Lame Clogs said what? It's on, baby! Bring Batali back to Iron Chef so we can see a Batali vs. Spike battle! (Actually, I love Batali, and would enjoy seeing Spike cry).

He drew genetalia inside the "iconic image of Mickey Mouse." (Seriously, Miles couldn't say "Mickey Mouse" without saying "iconic," which was kind of funny.)