Angry Black Man


its not bad, but its nothing special. i laughed during the episodes i watched, but i will in no way seek it out again. so, take this as a sort of recommendation.

@avclub-b85d65c39e12a5515c19fd72b6f48199:disqus thank you, gladiator is the example of a shitty best picture. i honestly cannot get through that movie. it's just awful.

keith phipps hates america!

@avclub-90ee95b54c20d0991531360036611c37:disqus you have to drag your feet, and walk in mud, or just go to a couple shows. that usually messes them up a bit.

they inevitably will look like clown shoes until they get beaten up, regardless of shoe size.

check out i break horses, chick singer with a sort of electronic shoegazey sound.

suddenly i feel the need to buy chuck taylors.

this comment will forever represent the turning point.

just chiming in to say that i like this band and would see them, but they arent coming to massachusetts for some reason.

make sho my 40's cold son

ok im not that bad

i'm a math major minoring in english, so it's kind of in my degree?

i'm bullshitting 3 pages about gender roles in Joe Christmas' life while devoting unnecessary amounts of attention to Freudian symbolism in the novel

they both beat woman. eureka! i have inspiration.

i have a light in august paper that i haven't finished due at 3:00. what am i doing on this site?

thats a really good interpretation. i just thought that it worked purely in terms of how it sounded, but that makes a lot of sense.

c'mon man, girls is anything but terrible

agreed xxx2 was fucking hysterical

hey i really liked that song freshman year. ill probably listen to it tomorrow.