Angry Black Man

i don't get these comments. they're on all tim and eric articles, and they are resolved the same way. people have different tastes than you. many people watch tim and eric and laugh because they find it funny, not because they find it subversive or boundary-pushing. take it easy, there's not some massive conspiracy of

its pushing boundaries to their hilarious ends

we can never go back to arizona!

boosh and/or kakow

but my heart will not be in it

no review for the comedy? thats a shame i really wanted to know how it was.

ok this has just turned into bessi h

@avclub-a54ddb402bd6590aa27965e4c34901e3:disqus fnx is ok if you like mainstream indie like neon trees and whoever the fuck that pumped up kicks band was. other than that all they seem to play is hsit like the red hot chili peppers. to sum up, no FNX is no longer halfway decent

zlx is the worst. wers is the only decent station in the boston area.


i think a show with the men and women would be more ridiculous. though, having girls open would make sense

*prepares to make a joke in the style of an 8th grader*

nominate Shellac Prayer to God. It would be amazing

dude, you suck

you wouldn't kill a policeman, steal his helmet, take a poop in it, deliver to his widow then steal it again. would you?

now about that bill that lets anyway suspected of terrorism be put in jail indefinitely without a charge…

friends help a guinea pig tricked me

thing is, a few assholes on my floor last year did blast skrillex all the time, not as a weapon, but as what they perceived to be a favor to the rest of us. Never underestimate the ability of people to like absolute shit

damn she is a good 5 inches shorter than me and heavier than me. i feel like a wimp

not everyone may find sanctuary in the vagina of peace