yeah that was really fucking cool
yeah that was really fucking cool
after all my friends is someone great, that three song stretch on sound of silver starting with north american scum, and ending with all my friends is unreal in how good it is
any news with tim and eric is good news, james murphy is just the icing on the cake
yeah there interesting to look at, but goddamn they would look dumb to wear
you should stop saying that
cheap firstie? dont mind if i do
book, you meant book
no matter who wins, we lose
whatever and ever amen
*clone of karen carpenter thin*
if that show ever actually happens the universe might implode
for you're health
haha just saw your anecdote above, no i am no teacher just a college kid who really enjoyed light in august
one little difference is that tim and eric is funny and youtube poop is poop
read light in august immediately
goddamn i hate that song. its inclusion was my least favorite thing about drive, which i did like for the most part, but those lyrics are so retarded
@avclub-eb51727cd6e697842c08dd7b4112c71e:disqus sure was finished it at 4:30 in the morning and immediately started playing saints row. i think i have a problem
fuck buttons are awesome but i can understand them not being for everybody
ha i just finished my essay take that!