Angry Black Man

this sounds like
complete and utter shit

just never play pantera parcheesi its lame

pantera parcheesi sucks

whats wrong with a black album whitey?

moby dick is great but i cant imagine reading it cover to cover again. too many chapters devoted to discussing minutiae on the boat.

bone machine

the ncan we just call it what is is? the best comedy show currently making new episodes

bartleby the scrivener
reveals many joys while being reread

i hate
going for firsties when i have nothing to say about the article

i wasnt an angry black man until i tried weed

if anything needs to make a return its the 90's

i actually agree with hdb i do not find her funny at all

Listen sucka, I'm blacker than the ace of spades and more militant than you and your whole damn army put together. While you out there, chanting at rallies and brow-beating politicians, I'm taking out any money-fronting sucka on a humble that gets in my way. So I tell you what, when your so called revolution starts,

i hope

bring back clone high

harry potter is atrocious

its pretty exhausting

seriously though
has any book in the last 20 years been a major contribution to literature? seriously i dont know

fuck you happy white man, your kind will have its day

the focus should be on people writing better not creating new mediums