Bel Biv Dafoe

I always thought either Goodman or a plumped-up Rutger Hauer. He speaks Dutch.

Revise your statement to "Lost = FAIL" and you'll be closer to having a life.


Bring in that floating fat man, the Hopkins.

You make a salient point, Death Car.

Gainsbourg = Aerosmith fan or Aerosmith hater, Lone Audience?

Clever Alpha and Omega there, Vic.

Fuck you too, Tebow.

Kong - Lil Wayne never has and never will be mistaken for one of the rim-shakin' inhabitant of Planet Lovetron. I demand you retract your statement regarding Chocolate Thunder. Considering the scads of groupie-spawn Weezy has no doubt left in his wake, however, I feel your Shawn Kemp comparison is apropos.

Fuck all you "canceraids, blah blah" posters with your affectations of world-weariness and jadedness. Seriously, it's lamer than even the most unsubtle firsties. I say Fuck You, The Internet! You're jealous as a motherfucker and didn't log in so your hatin' ass bitchy post won't show on your record.

I remember
the first time i heard the Chris Gaines album… if this has the same comedic value, I'll buy it twice.

You tried and died.

I confess, Tom, I'm impressed by your ability to log 1,274 posts on the way down.

Wild Irish Rose, motherfuckers.

Who WOULDN'T rim off Betty White, given the chance?

MuuMuus FTW

Pfft vlad youre nobody till Ted Danson's gone down on you. Look what he did for Kirstie Allie! Not to mention Lone Audience

Check please!