
Ah, but many of us are too old to have read goosebumps. Poe and Lovecraft work for me. Maybe some Stephen King?

This was okay, but I've read numerous better posts from the regular staffers.

This is not the First time posters have hated on an AVC staffer, and baby, it won't be the last.

You sound almost like you are describing a snooty wine. "Oakey undertones emphasizing the predominant flavor of bubble gum."

or wild west train robbers. Don't forget them. Nothing pompous about wild west train robbers.

I have no Mouth and I must scream
Great cautionary tale about tech, by Harlan Ellison. Topical and timely, 40 years ago.

My wife would say she's a "Trekker," not a "Trekkie." I've never heard anyone else make that distinction, but she is adamant.

Nicely played, Shredder

Funny strange, not funny ha-ha? Just like Lewis!

This sounds like the Colbert award received by Colbert's book. Is the film festival sponsored by LiLo's publicist?

Rich? Where did it say the professor was rich? Does he have an endowed chair?

When I was a kid first learning about discrimination, I naturally assumed there could be no black or jewish racists, because they would surely all know better, right? I mean, they learned from their own history, right?

Not too hard to be the best lookin' guy in THAT group. That'd make them your wingmen. Git-r-done!

Like he said, that's his schtick. It's harmless. Let him be.

And that's what they'll engrave on your tombstone, along with your screen name. The shame of it is, however, your real name won't be there because nobody will know it. Or care.

These descriptions make me think of "High School Musical."

I've always had a problem with musicals, even the so-called classics. But that's me, not the genre.

Well he'd have to be, wouldn't he?

"Which of these things is not like the other? Which of these things just doesn't belong?"

You just HOPE it is cheese.