
Publishing that list
That list is my own (minor) contribution to the supplemental campaign. There's nothing wrong with abstinence. It's just not realistic for most people, who need to hear these additional messages.

Sure, Orlando
Yes, we need to target the sexy teens, because ugly kids don't get horny, and good-looking teens will just ignore the ugly ones rather than take advantage of an opportunity for sex.

Political pandering at its worst
This is so sad. Studies show teaching abstinence isn't even effective — or at least, not nearly as effective as teaching contraception and sexual hygiene.

Never saw any after Rushmore
I didn't laugh at Rushmore. In fact, I was kind of confused, because all the reviewers remarked on the humor. So I learned that Wes Anderson's idea of humor just sails right past me. Not much point in watching his other work, then.

Anarchy symbol
Capital A in a circle represented anarchy before this guy was born. Amelie's not trying too hard — she's just better informed than Capt Caveman

Hey, I cited Joseph Campbell on a Star Wars thread
I really thought I was providing a service for the unwashed masses who are less erudite than I. But now I see that I was merely cliched and sophomoric.

I meant I
Should have just stayed in bed this morning.

Ask. A meant ask.
SAK is not even a word.

You forgot to sak
Now I'll never get to find out why he didn't cast my son in Rushmore. I'd ask him myself, but he got that restraining order . . .

The Picture reflects his talent
Only Wes Anderson could succeed in today's movie industry while looking like that. In a city and an industry obsessed with appearances, it takes a huge amount of talent to overcome THAT deficit.

Wes Anderson? Meh
I'll grant you he's seminal and influential, but he's yet another director who fails to reach me. Rushmore was his best chance, because it was mostly filmed at the private school my kids actually attend(ed) on scholarship. My kids personally endure(d) the "outsider because not rich" experience at

1st, 2d and 3d
Don't you just hate people posting, just to report their position in the post-count?

Admit it, though
You're just mad because Charlie wouldn't pay your full rate for that night in Vegas. You've never heard of a "celebrity discount," or "appearance fee"?

You found a creative new way to say, "And this is another prime-time sitcom that really isn't funny."

Adam K, let's form a club with a secret handshake
Wow, Adam K, you must have read a lot of comments (all of them?), so I'm flattered that you picked mine for a response. Thanks for the support on "Sideways."

don't forget "pithy"
Pete the Meat: When you addressed Judd Apatow2's comments, you somehow neglected to use the word "pithy" (kinda like "pissy," but with a sweet little lisp). For shame. Purgatory is too good for you.

wish i could
Judd Apatow2: I wish I COULD get a life, and escape this sham existence which merely masquerades as my life. But I don't know how! Please, Judd, tell me. WHERE DO I GET A LIFE???

Good insight
ENKEsq.: good insight about Pratchett's characters. I never realized that until you pointed it out. I'm not sure why, but I suspect because it has no adverse impact on the story. Each book stands well enough on its own, and its the sort of "problem" you can only notice if you read all of them.

I really do know how to spell "personal." Really.
Though you can't tell from my most recent post.

Rewarding Ridley's Alienation
Ridley666: I wish I had the fortitude to simply ignore people who think trolling is an acceptable way to begin a discussion. Unfortunately, I am unable to stop myself from feeding the troll. I therefore humbly and sincerely apologize to the rest of the AVC.