
yes, but your giblets are on your chin, so it's much more noticeable.

I'm not big on awards shows, but if Kroll hosts next year, I'm all over that shit.


unfortunately yes. he comes on one of the local stations up here just in time for my drive to work. I try to listen for the entertainment value but after 5 minutes, I usually turn on NPR.

I like Paradise and still play it occasionally, but I really did prefer the originals.


like Seacrest ever came out.

welp. there's the train wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.

dammit. loved her in Sgt. Bilko and Mr. Holland's Opus.

sigh. dead. killed by Scourge in The Bar With No Name. Captain America #318

"and Gerry Manders as… The Beaver!"

I started picking them up at a dollar sale at my local shop. I believe I'm missing three issues?

at an Italian joint I cooked at in south central PA, we had a deep fried ravioli appetizer covered in sautéed onions and a cream sauce. that shit was insanely delicious.

I should really get those couple issues of 52 I'm missing so I can sit down and read the whole thing. been holding off until I find them.


can we get George Perez to direct?

oh man, now I want a Multiplicity style comedy set in the Star Wars universe about failed clone trooper experiments. someone get on this!!

with a cock.

when did John Mayer start commenting on The AV Club?

unfortunately I think everyone forgot about it when it got screwed from being built in Chicago.