
Ass Bro Bow?

I agree with that to some extent, but it is still more readable and has aged better than Watchmen, which is quite painfully clunky at times.

Was just saying this today at The Avengers showing. I'll give Batman v Superman one chance, other than that I'm done with DC movies in general.

Scott Adams dislikes women. Pope also believed to be part of some sort of christian sect.

It's all them darkies, hommerseckshuls and communist muslamics fault.

Oooh they'll be fuhrerious about this one

Master Race hardly bodes well

And completely unmemorable once you did struggle through it.

Are you dense, or retarded or something? I'm goddam Frank Miller

Or in Greg Land's case, literal porno money shots

Yeah, cowritten by azzarello, art not done by him so it's basically "Sit in the corner Uncle Frank, we'll deal with this"

Nice to see the sanctity of marriage being upheld in the great christian nation

Yep Iron Man, despite being able to fly, used roller skates. Ah the 70s.

Are you retarded or something?


In worse news Frank "Mad Frank McMad" Miller is being allowed to do yet another sequel to The Dark Knight Returns.
The book is now open on how many whores and mad darkies will be featured.

You had RobotSex models?

That Radix number 1 is about as 90s as can be

Check if the gun is loaded?

Adam Sandler?