
Hey! Ruth got her own damn book. What've you done lately?

They are.
People will also be glad to know that no nude pics of me, leaky or otherwise, are available online.

I had to watch 15 movies I wasn't necessarily interested in.

I'm going to start using Dil wale as an insult

OK, as every thread seems to be bitching about the casting I'll just say that I saw this yesterday and enjoyed it immensely. It looked stunning and the action scenes were well done. It had some confusing editing but not enough to pull me out of the story.

Are you Chris Conley?

River wouldn't have had group sex with Amy and Rory. They're her parents! That'd be a bit hard core for HBO never mind the BBC.
And I like Clara, she's bright, funny, resourceful, everything you want from a companion.

I loved Lone Ranger. It was some of the most fun I've had been n the cinema without getting arrested. Never understood the vitriol aimed at it.

Well white magnets be drivin' like this, but black magnets be all like this…

I just want to know why I couldn't log in for 8 months, then was allowed to post under another name, and have now,with no warning,reverted to this one.

Enjoyed the ep as always but the bit with the dead guy did make me laugh. "I need you to get this guy out of town and give him a new identity" Which, apparently, can be accomplished by your bodyguard, from the ground up, in about 20 minutes.

Enjoyed the ep as always but the bit with the dead guy did make me laugh. "I need you to get this guy out of town and give him a new identity" Which, apparently, can be accomplished by your bodyguard, from the ground up, in about 20 minutes.

So I've been middle aged since I was about 17?

Corndogs. Nowhere else will own up to a hotdog on a stick.


Love Mindy's attempts at PR "Get Bent!"

Why, that's a fabulous idea. Anything else you'd like? How about real lead in the radiation shields? Urinal cakes, maybe? Smithers, throw this at him.

Lenny: With a woman working here, we won't be able to spit on the floor anymore. 
Carl: And we won't be able to take our pants off when it gets really hot. 
Homer: And we won't be able to pee in the drinking fountain… 

Don't you mean Mustache Rides?

One of my favourite Milhouse moments