
@avclub-60ac1337dd425567f906179964e55e96:disqus  Yes, I have a different opinion from you! How shocking! Shouldn't be allowed. At least I only state it once on one thread, not shoehorn it into every thread over and over again.

Is that your thing? You find one thing per episode and harp on about it repeatedly in thread after thread? If so you should get a new gimmick because this one is really annoying.
And he can't slap the writers! Surely that's just abusive?

Haven't seen this episode but on the question of whether nerds actually watch this show; in my experience, yes they do.
I'd consider myself a nerd. Lifelong comic collector and sci-fi fan, worked in IT, read the Silmarrilion more than once, used to own and run a comic shop. I enjoy the show, I generally like the

Twist: The hat is misspelt

Nothing is as gay as Top Gun. A Gay Architect and a Gay musical theatre director being gay in the palace of gay is not as gay as Top Gun

Does nobody get sarcasm any more? Should I hold up a sign?

Yeah, I'm a perv. I'd get her to take off everything but the glasses and the boots too.

Because there have never been any people ever who acted like that.

After a couple more watches I've decided. It's fucking awesome in every respect.

I replayed it 5 times and I'm still unsure. I think it was Goful.

I was going to do the "felt his presents" joke but just couldn't bring myself to do it.

I was going to do the "felt his presents" joke but just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Silver Age Superman always looked like he was doing that in the comics

Silver Age Superman always looked like he was doing that in the comics

He forgot the drinking and fighting.

He forgot the drinking and fighting.

Agreed on TARDIS interior. Big improvement.

Agreed on TARDIS interior. Big improvement.

@keios I'd kill for them to even attempt being that imaginative. I can't see it happening though. The fangirls need their cute surrogate.

@keios I'd kill for them to even attempt being that imaginative. I can't see it happening though. The fangirls need their cute surrogate.