
I'm going to change my name to Nolan Gerard Funk

I'm going to change my name to Nolan Gerard Funk

Also slightly fishy, like putting your finger where you shouldn't.

Also slightly fishy, like putting your finger where you shouldn't.

Yes we have. There's been at least one, the guy Sheldon inadvertently hit on in the cafeteria at work.

Yes we have. There's been at least one, the guy Sheldon inadvertently hit on in the cafeteria at work.

Good grief there's some bullshit spouted about simple one-off jokes on the boards for this show lately. No wonder everyone hates us.

Good grief there's some bullshit spouted about simple one-off jokes on the boards for this show lately. No wonder everyone hates us.

Even by this show's standards What In The Buggery Fuck was that all about?

Even by this show's standards What In The Buggery Fuck was that all about?

Speaking of HIMYM, I couldn't help but go Awwww when Lily and Marshall were talking about baby names and her first suggestion was Tara.

Speaking of HIMYM, I couldn't help but go Awwww when Lily and Marshall were talking about baby names and her first suggestion was Tara.

He should have saved the world by doing The Snoopy Dance

He should have saved the world by doing The Snoopy Dance

Liking that just isn't enough. Chapeau!

Liking that just isn't enough. Chapeau!

Tony Head has a good career in the UK, just not so much in the former colonies.

Tony Head has a good career in the UK, just not so much in the former colonies.

They certainly saved a fortune on the clothing budget for her and Cordelia

They certainly saved a fortune on the clothing budget for her and Cordelia