
Wesley's arc from S3 Buffy to S5 Angel was one of the most amazing and convincing transformations by an actor I've ever seen. He goes from being a posh coward to a man who shoots a subordinate in the leg for questioning his orders and you don't disbelieve it for a second. Alexis Denisoff deserves every plaudit going.

Wesley's arc from S3 Buffy to S5 Angel was one of the most amazing and convincing transformations by an actor I've ever seen. He goes from being a posh coward to a man who shoots a subordinate in the leg for questioning his orders and you don't disbelieve it for a second. Alexis Denisoff deserves every plaudit going.



I don't understand a lot of the criticisms of S6. Yes it can be downbeat and depressing but Buffy has lost her mother, died, been dragged out of heaven, been resurrected IN HER GRAVE and has to dig her way out and immediately combat a bunch of demon bikers after seeing what appears to be her get torn apart by said

I don't understand a lot of the criticisms of S6. Yes it can be downbeat and depressing but Buffy has lost her mother, died, been dragged out of heaven, been resurrected IN HER GRAVE and has to dig her way out and immediately combat a bunch of demon bikers after seeing what appears to be her get torn apart by said

When Buffy says "We're not supposed to move the body" and then her shock as she realises what she's reduced her mother to.

When Buffy says "We're not supposed to move the body" and then her shock as she realises what she's reduced her mother to.

@avclub-ee3dd1c2669f11eabe41d99571167c74:disqus Precisely. People find andrew annoying because the character was *meant* to be annoying and storyteller gave him something of a redemption arc. It's like people complain about Dawn being whiny and self-absorbed when she's a 14 year old girl, the definition of whiny and

@avclub-ee3dd1c2669f11eabe41d99571167c74:disqus Precisely. People find andrew annoying because the character was *meant* to be annoying and storyteller gave him something of a redemption arc. It's like people complain about Dawn being whiny and self-absorbed when she's a 14 year old girl, the definition of whiny and

Actually I don't think Firefly is overrated at all, it deserves every plaudit heaped upon it. Angel S5 is just a more cohesive and better constructed season, and yes, I know it had much more time to build its characters.

Actually I don't think Firefly is overrated at all, it deserves every plaudit heaped upon it. Angel S5 is just a more cohesive and better constructed season, and yes, I know it had much more time to build its characters.

Loved the callback to that in S4 where that vamp bitch broke the parasol and that's what pulled Buffy back to herself.

Loved the callback to that in S4 where that vamp bitch broke the parasol and that's what pulled Buffy back to herself.

@avclub-7f0d5ceefd00ad8303401bdcf213eb83:disqus  But the whole point of your post seemed to be to disparage the episode as "Emmy-bait" which is just ridiculously dismissive of the emotion and talent invested in the story.

@avclub-7f0d5ceefd00ad8303401bdcf213eb83:disqus  But the whole point of your post seemed to be to disparage the episode as "Emmy-bait" which is just ridiculously dismissive of the emotion and talent invested in the story.

Yeah Todd, you can't tell us what to like, you're not our real dad!

Yeah Todd, you can't tell us what to like, you're not our real dad!

I think Angel S5 is Whedon's towering achievement, even better than Firefly

I think Angel S5 is Whedon's towering achievement, even better than Firefly