
Not enough tree hate in this season to be really disturbing

I did like how the teacher and the kids all reacted like they were in a remake of Home Alone

I did like how the teacher and the kids all reacted like they were in a remake of Home Alone

I'm still not sure if I like this show or if it has just become a compulsion.
It's like watching classic era Ken Russell but stripped of any decorum or self-restraint. And as old Ken was fond of saying; The only thing better than a spanking nun is a possessed spanking nun.

I'm still not sure if I like this show or if it has just become a compulsion.
It's like watching classic era Ken Russell but stripped of any decorum or self-restraint. And as old Ken was fond of saying; The only thing better than a spanking nun is a possessed spanking nun.

I think because riot shields are curved and flexible the arrow is far more likely to just bounce/glance off

I think because riot shields are curved and flexible the arrow is far more likely to just bounce/glance off

Another enjoyable episode. The ensemble really seems to be coming together. Laurel and Thea were noticeably less irritating and there was no Detective "My Emotions" Dad overacting willy-nilly.
Liked the couple of catches of Oliver's outmoded cultural references too.
And, YAY, Trick arrows!

Another enjoyable episode. The ensemble really seems to be coming together. Laurel and Thea were noticeably less irritating and there was no Detective "My Emotions" Dad overacting willy-nilly.
Liked the couple of catches of Oliver's outmoded cultural references too.
And, YAY, Trick arrows!

Hell of a pair of getaway sticks on her

Hell of a pair of getaway sticks on her

That was one hell of an episode of Changing Rooms

That was one hell of an episode of Changing Rooms

We have a winner!

We have a winner!

Nope, never heard anyone talk about Hollyoaks. Other than in the EUUURGGHH HOLLYOAKS IS STARTING WHERE'S THE FUCKING REMOTE???? sense

Nope, never heard anyone talk about Hollyoaks. Other than in the EUUURGGHH HOLLYOAKS IS STARTING WHERE'S THE FUCKING REMOTE???? sense

Weirdly (for me anyway) this is about the only episode of the Simpsons early years that I've never seen. Some episodes get shown over and over, this one, hardly ever.

Weirdly (for me anyway) this is about the only episode of the Simpsons early years that I've never seen. Some episodes get shown over and over, this one, hardly ever.

It's actually Fargas, because he has a Huggy Bear obsession.