
Oh for the Golden Age of Superheroes
Those were the days!

It's Stephen Mangan
Not Sean in the text.

Have you all been given SmallPox infected blankets to sleep under?

As was Worzel.

Worlez Gummidge
Was shit though.

Although Patrick Troughton
was also good

Can we do Dr Who from the beginning?
William HArtnell was the best.

The perfect crime
was first committed in the garden of eden by Eve, the dirty little minx.

What version of that superhero is he playing?

Check out 'Spiral' a French series. It's fantastic, it was the first French series shown on the BBC.

No love for Community?
The paintball ep was the finest 30 minute comedy this year.

Nah, it was a band called clover who were the backing band on My Aim Is True.

Oh Jesus Fucking Christ, Jesus Fucking Christ, you suck.

He left the keeper stranded with that effort……

I'm pre-ordering tickets right now.

Radio Spirit World is genius
From Robert Popper and Peter Sc;isdf;ihdg'n dgij dgiz. Yeah, him.

I want to poke him right in his third eye
Chakra that!

Wallace finally turns up, the tardy fuck.

Hahahaha, that is the most spot on thing that has ever been written here. Bresson was a genius.

Get out!!!!!1