
That's actually a great idea.

Hey, at least it's not another Twilight movie.

Hansel and Gretel: First Blood Part III

Shut up, dummy.

Renner really does seem like a humorless butt-nugget.

It's a prequel set in modern day. So, there must be a portal or a time machine introduced(I'm guessing that's what the last 15 minutes of the 3rd ep involves).


Same with that one about The Neighbors.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Q: Is this really a "problem"?

Still, none of you saw Ash. [smdh]

I think to people like me that listen to them all the time, they FEEL like a band that's really popular. So, it is sad whenever I realize that they're not.

Every new episode feels like the worst episode yet.

Wait, digiā€¦have you seen American Movie?


Did anybody go see Ash? They were the only band I would've gone out there to see.

Yeah. I heard he also joined a band.

"I have never heard anything more pathetically servile."

What's Greek bread replacement got to do with anything?

That took long enough!