
he's a fantastic artist.

sure thing!

My sentiments exactly. I think Destiny's Child Beyonce was just young and afraid (like all 20 year olds are) and now an older, wiser, beyonce is just laying it all out and it's awesome.

That's alright, us minorities are used to being pushed aside to give awards to the pretty white girls.

I agree with your point. I loved Cap's first movie for that reason, and I think it would have worked for Cinematic superman. But yes, I am still of the belief that superman needed to get his ass kicked to seem more relatable. That's more fun to read than any "healing coma"

90s Miller would probably write a…I hesitate to say good….decent Superman. Current Miller should stay the hell away.

He'd probably write an Atlas Shruggled like rape scene.

Frank Miller presents: The Son of Krypton Returns

Well yeah, that's also why Action Comics is so great right now. Superman is being put through the ringer in many more ways than just "escape death" or punch the damn thing into orbit. They're even giving him some pathos (for example when he fails to save Lana Lang's parents). It's all very great.

Seriously, Superman just wasn't used to the kind of pressure brought on by a good defense.

Cap works better than Superman because he has limitations. Sure he may have a super soldier serum coursing through his veins, but he can still get shot and die (until Marvel decides to resurrect him again that is). He started off as a scrawny kid from brooklyn that just wanted to do that right thing.


no need, i've worked out my teenage issues.

Hey first of all, these days I love both equally. Batman and Superman can both be used to tell interesting stories.

I love where Action Comics is going these days, where he's super relatable because he doesn't have all of his superpowers anymore. that was the problem with Superman. He was the embodiment of everything I hated as a teenager. He was the high school jock that everybody loved. Everything he can do he does because of

what if they were called the Judy Garland of homophobia?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no all depends on the receiver's sense of humor.

Jeez Tina, is it that time of the month?

dear AV club comments. IT'S A JOKE.