
My comment is probably going to be burried under the deluge of comments here, but I'll try anyway.  The problem with Girls isn't that it's a white-out show.  Although that does peeve me a bit.  The problem with it is that it is slightly classist.  4 privileged  white girls playing poor.

Emma Bovary is still a compelling character nonetheless.  Even though she's a shitty wife, you want to keep reading on and want to know why she continues on this path of self-destructive behavior.

You don't understand, these characters are both unlikeable AND boring.  Don Draper and Roger Sterling, are unlikeable, but they are compelling. Lisbeth Salander isn't very likeable, but she is compelling.  The boring shit that these characters talk about is eclipsed by the fact that they are unlikeable trust fund

Thank you, you were able to eloquently say all of my qrievances about this terrible show.

This show is ridiculously overrated.  What the hell am I supposed to like about a bunch of unlikeable, drug-addled, trust fund babies?  I couldn't like Hannah at all because she wined through the entire episode about money and not having a job, plus she didn't do a goddamn thing about it except near the end when her