
Igle's and Gates' run—I'm guessing after Turner's run—was pretty awesome looking:

I never thought we would be to the point where I am incredibly dubious about a superhero show NOT tied to the CW, but here we are. No Arrow/Flash producers? Pass.

Batman can show up for one scene, just to punch Guy Gardner.

…………….So when are we getting that Arrow season premiere? That Flash show is looking good, as well.

"Commander Shepard, we got Geth on our six!"

Mutant lemon party is probably scarier than that.

Why are you insulting the AV Club's girlfriend's band?

What happened to your Bon Jovi albums, bro?

Who would have guessed that the first two posts here, on the AV club, would be an Arrested Development reference?

Yo, Genevieve, how's that Catwoman coming along?


"Plan? We put 'em in the ground."

"Black Dog" It gets to the point where I yell, "Shut up, Plant" right before the song starts. See also: "Whole Lotta Love"

Was just looking to make some other Bane quote to go along with this, but it's rare when youtube surprises me:

……I did.

Now there are two shitty films named The Notebook!

(whose Out Of Sight rivals Jackie Brown for the title of best Leonard adaptation)

The same was kind of true for Iron-Man and GOTG, which is why you're kind of scratching your head at Iron-Man 2 and 3. "Mandarin and Whiplash….yeah, I know of those people…." GOTG I would say was even weirder because voices, looks, and personality changed from media to media, and it was a fairly new comic, which I

To be fair, if you want to read Action Comics #1, you can probably do so for about 2.99.

An amazing single player experience, but I thought the Circle Jerk multiplayer DLC was a bit too tacked on.