
So, someone needs a Dick in someone's ass.

Achievement Unloked


Huh, I could see Guile being one of those types who sits around all day watching Fox news and eating Jimmy Dean sausages for all meals and says stuff like, "Fucking Obama, I sonic boomed for this fucking country, and they swear in this jackass who obviously has Shadowloo ties."

Wow, I forgot I saw Unleashed in the theatres.

Why the hell are there so many lines on the faces? Seriously.

I'll let this picture answer that question:

Arrow came to my mind first, and although it's not the most insightful show around, it's probably the most consistently entertaining. There were just so many "hell yeah" moments. "The Promise," Deathstroke," "Unthinkable"—those were some of the most purely entertaining episodes I've ever seen. True Detective, Veep,

I just watched season 1 and thought it was great. I'm really looking forward to seeing where S2 goes.

Notice the cowl's subtle growth in erection from Batman The Animated Series to Justice League, suggesting a fondness for Wonder Woman's curves or Wally West's sizable sack.

[Big Ghost]First of all fuck a Mike Will Made It beat. I aint gassed by none of tHat sHit son. How insecure was tHis nigga growin up b? How tHis sHit start yo? Im guessin it was some sHit like in Kindergarten wHen anotHer little nigga took credit for a ball of playdoH tHat Mike Will Made It Had rolled n drew a face

And whatever my equivalent of sploosh is. Which I guess is just sploosh. Only with semen.

"In Love With Useless" A Sunny Day in Glasgow
"Huey Newton" St. Vincent
"Little Fang" Avery Tare's Slasher Flicks
"Talking Backwards" Real Estate
"Move That Dope" Future

Josh Gad and Zach Braff in the same film? The face punchability is strong with this one.


Anderson was only in the chamber for 45 minutes


Oh, that should have been mention. I love AOS and 66 looks very charming.

That's pretty damn awesome. Congrats, Genevieve.

That's what I like about these Linklater films, man: The characters get older and I stay the same age, although I suppose I'm aging too in the process of watching the films, but not necessarily to the same extent, allowing me to wrestle with the ideas of maturity, growth, and death in one sitting.