
Man, first they were some pimps. Then they were some aliens or
some genies - some shit. Then they be talkin' 'bout that black righteous
space. Man, fuck them. I ain't fuckin' with them no mo'.

Of all the Sesame Street characters to name your penis after, he chooses Elmo? Ignoring the horrific recent controversies, there are just so many better options:

No, what they're doing wrong is letting Zack "I made Watchmen,and I still get to do other comic book movies for some reason" Snyder make more movies.

"remember that Shia too was once widely beloved and regarded as full of promise"

"Free drinks for everyone who saw him threaten me!"




Great shows…….like "The Neighbors."

My favorite Big Ghost Drake takedown actually occurs in his A$AP Rocky review:

Are you saying Drake was responsible for making the East a barren landscape of basketball where a sub .500 team can get homecourt advantage?

You too, huh?

Take notes on what not to do, Josh Randor.

I like how you substituted "some potential' for "Calvin Johnson."

Knew it was going to be your bitch ass to make the joke, too.

Captain Ginyu. I have to check how long they delayed it for, but 12 (?) year old me was pretty pissed when they kept restarting the series.

Nah, I mean you're right in that DC has no new cartoons for whatever reason, but saying that Marvel is better on the cartoon/TV front is just…..wrong. I'll take leftovers from the artisan chef over Papa Johns any day of the week.

I didn't hallucinate that "A Man's Gotta Have a Code" reference, right?

Edit: Oh. I get it now.

Yeah, but those are great bands not from the Ozark area and who aren't black and/or Jewish. I don't think Mr.Slash meant they have all have 5 great albums, but those are American bands that are pretty fantastic, breaking rule 2. Going by the list, you could probably make a case that Cookie Monster's assessment is