
Yeah, I was going to bring this up. The fact that that's true kind of tells you that most people view the show as a plot driven masterpiece (which it is) instead of a terrifying look into the soul of this man (which it also is). I'd argue more for the latter only because we know that Walt is going to die, but I think

I'm not from the future; the giants will do slightly better than 1-15

Maggie's recount of the Africa experience was only meant to frame her segment of the episode.

I feel like that is DVD box worthy.

Nope, but I think this is easily one of the top (bottom?) 5 shows I've ever seen in terms of abysmal writing. Really, it's quite didactic and profound in that way, only in that way. Just look at tonight's episode and count how many things just don't add up or are just poor writing choices.

tweets about what seemed to be the saran gas attack.

I just don't get it. Also, completely fucking over Vertigo as well. It's like someone said everything Jeanette Kahn worked on was, "gay" and they needed to tank it and try to capture the greatness of post 80's Marvel. Fuck Bob Harras.

Actually I think Watchmen is the one comic that is worth reading and has real merit for normal people.

But it's certainly not on the same level as "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?"

Wasn't Rucka supposed to do the WW comic?

JHU Comic Books, 32nd Street between Park and Madison in Manhattan

Yep, I'm really interested in going back and reading this. I haven't cared too much for a lot of recent writer's interpretation of Batman, but I know Morrison will deliver.

I rewatch this episode and think, "man, that guy who sits on the left of Cloontang must have been really proud. I bet he goes up to his buddies and is like, 'I remember when me and Clooney Tunes, that's what I called him, were equals in that episode of Friends.' Then he'd sigh and go back to doing gay porn."

Generally going to be sincere now. Aziz Ansari often pals around with these guys, so I doubt he'll ever stop using that for a source of material, even if they get more serious and become bffs (a strong commitment, I know). Plus, his jokes are never dismissive like a South Park or SNL joke is, but rather AA's jokes are

*Dan Brown waits patiently on hold, writes shitty novel.*

NBC: Remember when we had good shows……..in the 90's…….

You seem to not know how a lot of things work.

Take Care really isn't a Young Money album, is it?

Bret Easton Ellis doesn’t care how The Canyons is receivedWhich is great because you won't feel bad about the "C" you gave it.

I wonder if Denzel Washington is going to be reluctant to trust the young white guy in this movie. I bet the young white guy is all cocky and bold, which drives Denzel crazy, but he's just cocky and bold enough to also gain his respect. Maybe by the end, he learns that he and the young white guy aren't that different